Monday, June 1, 2009

Taking the edge off...

Just a quick post today...
In case I haven't mentioned it before, I'm 24 weeks preggy with my second baby. And in case you haven't read my first post, I love a drink. Yep, I'm not ashamed to admit it, I love having a drink especially at the end of a hard day, or when it's hot (which is 9 months of the year here in sub-tropical Brisbane). I don't need a special occasion to enjoy a drink, I don't need an excuse. And I CAN NOT stand people who judge others for enjoying a drink or even having a few too many when they feel like it. I hate the expression, 'I don't need to drink to have a good time' or just, ' I don't need to drink'. People who sprout that crap aren't people I find interesting. There, I said it, I hope some of you reading this don't hate my guts now, but I'm an honest person and this is my honest blog.

The only time I don't enjoy a drink regularly is when I'm pregnant. In fact, during my last pregnancy I probably had 5 or 6 alcoholic drinks the whole 41 and a 1/2 weeks I was pregnant, and I've only had a couple this time as well. But! I've just discovered reduced alcohol wine and bubbles (I can't believe it's taken me so long to catch on)! I had two glasses of pink bubbles last night, and it was so delightful I could've scoffed the whole bottle. And, even if I had scoffed the lot, the whole bottle was only the equivalent of 3 standard drinks (which, we must remember, is still too many for a pregnant woman to have, but you get my drift)! Brilliant! Now we pregnant ladies who enjoy a beverage don't have to be the only one without a glass in our hand when we go somewhere social.

Let's be sensible here though and not go overboard, alcohol must be kept to the absolute minimum when pregnant. I'll still only have the occasional drink, but now I can have a glass of wine, or a sparkling wine at a celebration or whatever the occasion, and actually enjoy it.

Have a great day everybody and chat soon!

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